提供者:Resilliance联盟内容:文本/平原;charset = " utf - 8 " TY -的A1 Stinchcomb泰勒r . A1 - Ma,赵A1 -紫树属,佐伊TI -复杂human-deer互动挑战传统管理方法:需要考虑力量,信任,和情感N2 -在美国,白尾鹿的管理(Odocoileus virginianus)通常集中在改善狩猎的机会和减轻human-deer冲突。然而人类群体和活动的扩张和多元化意味着human-deer交互也会多样化。方法基于复杂适应系统理论被提出作为一种更好的参加这些人类和野生动物之间的相互作用的多样性。本研究使用印第安纳州为例,从综合适应性行为模型(IABM)来理解human-deer交互作为一个复杂的系统。我们使用实证社会科学理解公民在印第安纳州认为鹿的数量,结果他们渴望什么,这些看法如何被整合到印第安纳州的鹿管理计划。在印第安纳州,野生动物管理人员和研究人员评估公众的鹿狩猎和农业利益相关者之外。从2019年5月到9月,我们收集59岁半结构化访谈和焦点小组(n = 14)两个与鹿利益相关者包括林地所有者,农民,鹿猎人和城市居民。通过混合inductive-deductive编码,我们发现,印第安纳州的公民持有复杂的情感向鹿不管他们的利益相关者身份。这些情绪影响因素包括过去的经验,目前的生活和行为情况下,对鹿管理责任和道德信仰,信仰对其他社会群体。 Our results suggest that the IABM, despite adding in much-needed complexity and realism to the analysis of human-wildlife interactions, still lacks explanatory power over several important dynamics that emerged from our interviews. Here, we discuss how mixed emotions, situational context, and power dynamics challenge conventional management approaches that focus narrowly on mitigating human-deer conflicts, and that reduce public interests to demographic categorizations. To better inform social-ecological governance, models of complex human behavior should account for power within management institutions and across management scales. Our work contributes a refined understanding of how multidimensional emotions and experiences influence public (dis)interest in natural resource management, and what this implies for managers who aim to balance competing social interests with ecological conditions. JO - Ecology and Society PB - The Resilience Alliance Y1 - 2022 P1 - 2022 VL - 27 IS - 1 C7 - 13 UR - //www.dpl-cld.com/vol27/iss1/art13/ DO - 10.5751/ES-12899-270113 KW - complex systems KW - governance KW - human-wildlife interactions KW - North America KW - social-ecological systems KW - white-tailed deer KW - wildlife management ER -