提供者:Resilliance联盟内容:文本/平原;charset = " utf - 8 " TY -的A1 -鲍尔,蒂娜n A1 -德容,会A1 -英格拉姆,Verina TI -感知问题:本土视角与森林有关的气候变化及其影响生计在亚马逊N2 -土著和subsistence-oriented人们对气候变化的影响十分敏感。beplay竞技策略应对和适应这些变化可能依靠传统生态知识(TEK),可以发挥重要的作用对于理解全球环境变化在当地的水平。我们的目标是提供关于气候变化的看法见解,传统生态知识,依靠森林为生的原住民在亚马逊采取应对策略时面临着气beplay竞技候变化的影响。结果是基于一组混合的方法:由半结构化访谈,气象数据,photovoice案例研究方法的49个家庭的土著领地TCO Tacana我玻利维亚低地。数据是在2013年和2015年收集的;与此同时,研究区遭受严重的极端天气降水事件和2014年产生的洪水。结果表明Tacana天气趋势的看法与西方science-trained专家是相辅相成的,因为他们提供不同的细节。研究显示38传统与短期指标,强调与环境Tacana的密切互动。然而,当前的可靠性受到质疑,表示需要进一步观察和研究潜在的长期环境变化。 Photovoice outcomes suggest that most of the negative effects during the extreme weather event were reported on natural capital in subsistence farming households. Indigenous households relied more on strong bonding and networking social capital (intracommunal and external), less on other capitals to cope with the flood event. Acknowledging TEK insights and changing local ecological indicators contributes information to assist sustainable ecosystem management and build corresponding resilient social systems. Local knowledge can support the understanding of climate and environmental change and local and regional risk management planning, interventions, and policy recommendations. This can considerably enhance the effectiveness and robustness of such strategies while counteracting the loss of traditional ecological knowledge. JO - Ecology and Society PB - The Resilience Alliance Y1 - 2022 P1 - 2022 VL - 27 IS - 1 C7 - 17 UR - //www.dpl-cld.com/vol27/iss1/art17/ DO - 10.5751/ES-12837-270117 KW - forest communities KW - coping KW - methodology KW - social-ecological system KW - traditional ecological knowledge ER -