内容:文本/纯文本;charset = " utf - 8 " TY -的A1 Banitz托马斯A1 -赫兹,Tilman A1 -约翰逊,Lars-Goran A1 - Lindkvist,艾米莉A1 - Martinez-Pena罗德里格A1 - Radosavljevic,索尼娅A1 - Schluter玛雅A1 - Wennberg时,卡尔A1 - Ylikoski中A1 -格林,Volker TI -可视化的因果关系在生态系统N2 -生态系统(SES),社会和生态过程相互交织,现象通常是复杂的,涉及多个相互依赖的原因。因此,找出因果关系具有挑战性,但需要更好地理解并影响或管理这些系统。可视化是识别和交流因果关系的一个重要且广泛使用的工具。在这里,我们提出了几种常见的可视化类型:对象和箭头图、X-Y图和X-Y- z图,并针对在复杂系统(如SES)中可视化因果关系的特殊挑战来讨论它们。我们使用一个简单的演示模型来创建和比较示例可视化,并从文献中添加更详细的示例。这突出了广泛使用的可视化类型的隐含优势和局限性,并有助于在SES中可视化因果关系时进行充分的选择。因此,我们推荐进一步的合适方法来解释复杂的因果关系,例如具有多个面板的图形,或将不同的可视化类型合并到一个图形中。这对过度简化提出了警告。然而,任何单个数字都很难捕捉到SES中所有相关的因果关系。 We therefore need to focus on specific questions, phenomena, or subsystems, and often also on specific causes and effects that shall be visualized. Our recommendations allow for selecting and combining visualizations such that they complement each other, support comprehensive understanding, and do justice to the existing complexity in SES. This lets visualizations realize their potential and play an important role in identifying and communicating causation. JO - Ecology and Society PB - The Resilience Alliance Y1 - 2022 P1 - 2022 VL - 27 IS - 1 C7 - 31 UR - //www.dpl-cld.com/vol27/iss1/art31/ DO - 10.5751/ES-13030-270131 KW - causal relationship KW - complex systems KW - illustration KW - visualization ER -