提供者:Resilliance联盟内容:文本/平原;charset = " utf - 8 " TY - A1的入口处,马克·r·A1 - Lyver菲尔可能。A1 -葛姆雷,安德鲁·m·A1 -斯科特,奈杰尔·j·A1 -麦金托什,安格斯r . A1 -弗莱彻,大卫A1 - Tylianakis,杰森TI -人口模型来支持传统管理文化的重要水禽种类N2 -科学支持原住民和当地社区的邀请(IPLC)协助传统环境管理可以提高保护和社区的生计。例如,人口模型可以帮助理解替代野生动物管理策略如何影响种群动态和收获的可持续性。我们开发了一个统计模型来帮助Ngāi Tahu,长白云之乡的南端Māori部落/新西兰,在传统管理文化重要的人口的黑天鹅(kakīanau,天鹅座atratus会)。我们使用最近的人口统计数据,包括实验收获鸡蛋研究的结果,通知新西兰tiaki (Ngāi Tahu环境监护人)如何习惯蛋收获和背景运动的压力捕猎天鹅年龄≥1年不同影响人口增长。我们也评估运动捕猎天鹅如何影响的可持续性的蛋收成。估计人口增长(1.018或目前每年增长1.8%;95%置信区间:0.808—-1.241)在成人和亚成体生存的变化最敏感,其次是少年(一年级)生存、繁殖习性、巢孵化成功。人口增长几乎完全是由于不确定性的不确定性在天鹅孵化后的存活率。 Sustainable population-level rates of egg harvest varied from none to more than half of all eggs, depending on small changes in adult and subadult survival. Population sensitivity to adult and subadult survival suggests that limiting and monitoring their mortality are crucial to population and egg harvest sustainability, whereas contemporary government-mandated species management, through Fish and Game New Zealand, allows adult and subadult mortality from sport hunting, with little record of offtake. Recognizing the rights and interests of Ngāi Tahu, and monitoring swan mortality more closely, could improve Ngāi Tahu abilities to practice customary harvest, enhance population and environmental monitoring, and, when appropriate, control swan numbers in a culturally appropriate and less wasteful way. The model we present could aid decision making and communication between Ngāi Tahu and New Zealand’s Crown government within a potential future co-management arrangement. Demographic models can be useful tools for supporting customary environmental management, but developing, maintaining, and implementing these tools requires support for adaptive policies and management arrangements that recognize IPLC rights to the environment and decision making. JO - Ecology and Society PB - The Resilience Alliance Y1 - 2022 P1 - 2022 VL - 27 IS - 3 C7 - 14 UR - //www.dpl-cld.com/vol27/iss3/art14/ DO - 10.5751/ES-13410-270314 KW - adaptive management KW - biocultural conservation KW - equity KW - gamebird management KW - Indigenous peoples KW - kaitiakitanga KW - mahinga kai KW - tikanga KW - waterfowl KW - wetlands ER -